So it's seems a bit late to do a post like this as it is one week into the new year. However I have had time to think about these and trial some in the week of 2015 we have had so far.. And the following are going to get my commitments for as long as I possibly can.
1) Diet
bleiuuughhh boring - I know! Everyone's is diet but I REALLY mean it. I have made a start on this resolution already and joined slimming world. I'm only on my 2nd day in of this but it's going really well. I have found a really amazing group of people on Instagram who share their food ideas/recipies etc and just kind of post up a visual food diary which is awesome.
If you would like more up to date info and follow my journey on this I have a slimming world account - slimmingworldwhit
Give me a follow! :)
2) Time
In 2015 I am giving myself the gift of time. No, really! Due to working quite long hours with teaching I normally come home and go to bed which is just no way to love and I have no social life. My New Years resolution is to stay up to at LEADT 9pm on week nights. This mightn't se much but it's about 2 hours after my normal bed time!
Again. I have been trialling this and it seems to be going weel. I've been over and above 9 all week! Great start!
3) Be Kind
I'm a grump. No really I am The Grinch but not about Christmas- about everything and everyday.
I want to try and be kind, be friendly. Be the type of person that I would want to be around. Give out more positive vibes and hopefully get some on return.
That about wraps it up. Hopefully by 2016 il be a skinnier, social and kinder version of myself.
Air of Eire
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